- Author-
Tim Whitney
Q & A
I'm getting a lot of questions about book one of The Ringling Chronicles and thought I'd answer a few of the most common. Feel free to ask if you have any other questions! (I'll add more as they come in!)
I know about the Ringling Circus, but did John Ringling really build an art museum?
Yes! John and his wife Mable purchased and incredible amount of artwork for their fantastic museum in Sarasota, Florida and their amazing Ca'd'Zan Mansion (pictured here in the background). Their goal was to leave a lasting legacy.
Who did the artwork for the book?
The original watercolors were created by an incredibly talented artist named Inga Shalvashvili. Inga is from the country of Georgia. If you click on the art link you can see how she took my images and concepts and turned them into some amazing artwork.
As an adult man how on earth did you write the mannerisms of the 12 year old heroine Michela so well?
I have two daughters, ages 12 and 14 and they are the toughest editors and critics.
Do you have a favorite artist and painting?
My favorite artist is Carlo Dulci and his painting the Blue Madonna is mesmerizing.
Why did you choose the Renaisance in Florence, Italy as the time and setting for your novel?
The Renaisance, thanks in great part to the Medici family, was an amazing period. With their great investments in the arts and the blossoming interest in humanism, so much entertaining history occured during this time. So many colorful characters and momumental achievements make it an incredibly fun and natural setting for a time travel series.